Formerly, on this land was grown a variety of peach called "Pescatardiva" (Late-Season Peach). This peach is a typical product of the Chianti Classico area within the municipality of the village of San Casciano in Val di Pesa, where we are as well placed. The "Late-Season Peach" finds particular benefit from deep, medium-textured and draining soils, as well as from our ventilated climate.
The word "peach" is a contraction of the word of Latin origin "persica" (Prunus persica); similarly, the term "Perseto" indicates a "peach orchard". Hence the name of our company, that is placed on a land formerly devoted to growing these peaches. Our logo, with the vine and the olive tree tightly joined together and placed on a peach kernel, as if they both originated from it, is therefore a symbol of our family history, as well as a tribute to the mix of crops and cultures and to the exchange and sharing of agricultural traditions between the different peoples who, in various eras, have inhabited this region.